Patented technology and high-purity silver ion sterilization spray
with outstanding sterilization and lasting power

Silver Sterilization


This disinfectant spray removes 99.7% of bacterial viruses and has been proven effective against COVID-19, thanks to silver ions extracted in high purity using cutting-edge patented technology.


Product Features



Contains silver ions
with bactericidal and antiviral properties



Silver sterilizations in 1 min


The sterilizing power of silver ions explained in 3DCG!
The silver sterilization features can be seen at a glance.

Before and after use of silver sterilization,
the sterilizing effect was confirmed to be less than 10% of residual general bacteria.


Experiments by Microbac, an American research institute, have demonstrated the usefulness of silver ions against COVID-19 and noroviruses.

In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published an N-list of products with bactericidal effects against COVID-19, which includes silver ions.

Experiments by Microbac, Inc., virus reduction of 99.98% was confirmed with the following 2 patterns.

1. Ag ionized water (5 ppm) + 28% w/w ethanol for 1 min action

2. Ag ionized water (5 ppm) for 6 hours action

The effectiveness of silver sterilization against viruses was verified by Steve, a researcher at the forefront of research on COVID-19.

The effect has been proven to be sufficient to reach (>99.98% reduction) if 28% ethanol is included in the product for 1 minute of action, and to meet the US standard of 2.5Log (99.7% viral reduction).

No chemical compounds
and safe enough to drink



Silver ion aqueous solution is a thing of silver electrolyzed in water,
so it contains no other chemicals.

Silver is also defined by the World Health Organization (WHO)
as having no effect on the human body.

The drinking water quality standards under Japan's Waterworks Law also do not specify a numerical standard for silver.

Suppresses odors and allergens


Silver ions prevent the growth of bacteria, thereby deterring putrid odors caused by bacteria.

Furthermore, by adsorbing negatively charged malodor molecules Oxidative decomposition also deters body odor caused by malodor molecules and bacterial growth from sweat glands and sebaceous glands.

Allergens such as mold, pollen, PM2.5, and house dust are charged both positively and negatively.

Positively charged allergens repel silver ions, and negatively charged allergens bind to silver ions, thereby suppressing their activity.

Excellent cost performance
and budget friendly


Silver sterilization is also budget friendly because of its superior overall cost performance compared to other common sterilizers.

Product Details

Product Details



Product name

Silver sterilization atomic antibacterial spray


300ml ・5ppm


¥ 880 (JP tax included)


Electrolyzed silver ions, ultrapure water

Outstanding sterilization and lasting power
supported by the patented technology



Highly concentrated silver ion electrolysis by "special electrolysis method".

In the production of ionized water using the conventional electrolysis method, it has been difficult to maintain and control the quality of the water, such as a decrease in the concentration of silver ions eluted over time.

Suntechno (Manufacturer of silver sterilization) has solved those problems and developed and patented a technology that can produce a large amount of silver ionized water of a certain concentration.

Because of the high concentration of silver ions, it combines stable deodorizing, disinfecting, and antibacterial power with safety and lasting power.

Humidifiers prevent the spread of pollen and viruses, and prevent throat and skin problems caused by dryness.

If the water in the equipment is not kept clean, the air cannot be kept clean either.

Humidify with a dedicated silver sterilization humidifier to keep your equipment and the air clean!

We have experience in hospitals and sports facilities.

If you are looking to sanitize a large venue or facility,
please consider renting a dedicated humidifier.





When I first started working in building maintenance, many people suffered from pneumonia caused by legionella bacteria growth in cooling towers, and I was looking for an efficient disinfectant. Chlorine-based products could cause bacteria to reappear and affect the environment if they evaporate. Although the effects and environmental impact of silver ionized water were not a problem, the initial technology did not allow for stable production because the electrodes oxidized quickly. We hope that our technology will enable us to produce silver ions in a stable manner, so that we can safely sterilize and make everyone's life safer.

I was shocked to learn that silver ionized water was being used as drinking water at a conference on disaster preparedness, and this is how we came to market silver sterilization in collaboration with Suntechno.

When I was told that the water could be stored for a long time as drinking water and that the power of silver ions played a role in preventing viral infections in the affected areas, I felt that this should be spread further throughout the world.

Silver ions have unlimited possibilities. We would like to contribute to the safety of everyone's life by using silver ions in various ways, not only in the form of disinfectant sprays.

Use Cases

Use Cases

Use Case



Diapers, toys, stuffed animals, potty, and Floor, swaddling, and drooling


Toilets, cages, carry bags, and Toys, dishes, body and feet

Space and Sanitary

Living room, washroom, bathroom, and Toilets, sofas, air conditioners, and Car seats

Bedding, daily necessities

Bedding, sheets, pillows, slippers, towels



Cutting boards, kitchen cloths, utensils, dishes, and Food scraps, refrigerator, raw vegetables

Prevention of Infectious Diseases

Hand washing, gargling, disinfection


Case Studies

Case Studies

Case Study


Nursing homes, hospitals, daycare centers

Sanitizing, antibacterial, and deodorizing equipment and staff hands

Company: Nishio Clinic

Although a humidifier was used in the waiting room, there was a need to sterilize the water inside and keep the space clean, so silver ionized water was added to the humidifier. In addition, by spraying the high-lasting silver ionized water in areas that are frequently touched by people, the labor required to go to the nurses' station several times a day to sterilize the water was reduced.


Pre-shipment washing of vegetables to prevent mold and corrosion, prevention of root rot in hydroponics, etc.

Company: Yano Farm

Leafy vegetables had developed root rot caused by Fusarium fungi, and what had been able to sell 14 times a year had been reduced to less than half. At the time, sodium hypochlorite had issues with residual hazards and sustainability, so the company decided to take countermeasures by adding silver ions to the circulating water.

Spatial Commercial and Leisure Facilities

Air conditioner filters, heating and cooling, blinds, circulating water in bathhouse hot springs

Company: Pacific Sports Club Toyohashi Shop

Utilized to sanitize locker rooms, shower rooms, and shoe boxes. Because of its long-lasting power, it can be sprayed several times a day to sanitize without disturbing customers. It also removes the source of odors such as sweat and age-related odors, preventing infection and odor control at the same time.

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